jeudi 19 mars 2015

Losing Weight and Getting Fit Without Dieting

Real weight loss and fitness comes from food selection not deprivation.      
The problem with calorie counting and starving is most people can’t sustain it for very long. They usually lead to quitting or binging. Any 10 pounds lost on a diet is soon regained because you haven’t really changed your permanent eating habits.
What choice do you have when you have finished your diet but to go back to your regular routine? Maybe you start cutting down on a few desserts, but you don’t really know anything else but what you were doing.
Losing weight is not about exercising it off. Very few mostly sedentary people can exercise enough to burn off a pound of fat. Most people who start exercising hard feel they need some food to reward them selves and put the pound back on.
The way to lose the pound is to have the body release the fat and not just burn it off. To burn off a pound you have to burn approximately 3300 calories. A jog is worth about 600 calories an hour, giving you the benefit of the doubt. If you jogged everyday your body would increase its metabolism which would help burn more calories.
The best way to lose weight is to eat foods that the body recognizes causing it to release the food encapsulated in fat that it did not recognize.  Most of your fat is holding onto foods that are acidic that would poison the organs if they were released. Those are the bad foods that lead to obesity, heart problems, disease, and early death.
The answer to weight loss, health and looking good is very simple. Eat the right foods and eliminate the bad foods. The only real trick is if you can get your mind to accept the regimen. Your mind has its own ideas about what you should be eating. It thinks you should be eating food to reward yourself for all the trouble and pain you experience.
The mind does not care if you eat healthy until you start eating healthy and it realizes this is a good thing. Then it will be your ally in eating the right foods and avoiding the bad ones. The mind enjoys the body having more energy, feeling healthy, and having better mental capacity.
So what do you eat?  Fruits, vegetables, lean meats, grains, seeds, nuts, eggs and good fats 85% of the time. What do you eliminate?  Sugar, white flour, processed foods, and bad fats.  It’s that easy. If you can start with 70% to 85% compliance it is a good first step. I don’t eat dairy because it usually has fats and I am mostly lactose intolerant.
If you jump into 100% compliance the fat will leave your body like rats fleeing a sinking ship. If you add an hour of exercise a day, you will certainly accelerate the process.
What can you eat?  For breakfast you can have eggs, oat meal, fruit, and meat. For lunch you can have salads, tuna, chicken, soups, and fruit. For dinner you can have meat, rice, beans, salads, soups, avocados, and wheat pasta without cream sauces.
What are you eliminating?  Mexican food, Italian food (pizzas), hamburgers, desserts, sandwiches, sweet rolls, sodas, and as much alcohol as you can live without.
But once you change, you are likely to change for life. Then the pounds you lose don’t come back. Over a period of years I have lost 45 pounds and am at my high school weight of 175. When I moved to the beach, I lost the last 25 pounds on a raw diet regimen in a few months.
You never have to starve. I eat as much as I want whenever I want, but I am basically eating foods without calories or fat. I have my desserts each day which are banana nut muffins or cacao squares which have nuts and seeds. Like most people on raw diets or sustainable healthy diets, I try to keep it at 85% but am closer to 90% plus alcohol.

*****************this article by Mark Kaplan *********************

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